Drive Champion Resources

Hosting a blood drive is one of the most important steps you can take to keep our local blood supply healthy. Nearly 70% of our blood is collected on mobile blood drives, just like yours. Thank you for being an advocate for our lifesaving mission!

Blood Advocate Tips & Tools

Not only is it important to have regular donors and drives, but it's also important to advocate for blood donation to family, friends and coworkers. Don't know where to start? Here are some tips and tools.

  • Ways to Start the Blood Donation Conversation
    • Your group of friends and family is the perfect place to start. You already have a rapport and access to their time and attention. Start with sharing a 15-20 second video on social to tell them why you donate; it can be casual and simple! Here’s a sample video.
    • Work for an organization or company? Talk to your organization’s leaders or send an email to the HR representative sharing the importance of blood donation and how your group can help local communities through blood drives.
    • One of the most common reasons people give for not donating blood is, “No one ever asked me.” In our experience, nothing is more effective than face-to-face recruitment. An individual and personalized ask is often all it takes.
  • Conversation Tips You Can Use
    • Ask appropriately. You can’t make anyone donate but you can start a conversation. Understand how a potential donor feels and answer questions they may have.
    • Educate the prospective donor about the importance of blood donation. Keep the focus on the local patients who need blood.
    • Reduce the fear of the unknown by explaining the donation process. Educate new donors about what to expect.
  • 30-Second Advocacy Pitch

    Use this elevator pitch to talk to anyone you know about the importance of blood donation:

    Hi there! My name is {NAME}, can I have a couple of seconds of your time? You probably haven’t thought about the importance of blood donation – but let me tell you why you should. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood in some way. This makes it extremely important to keep a steady blood supply on the shelf. Every day, patients are counting on getting that blood – whether it’s to feel better or to save their lives. Can I show you how easy it is to schedule an appointment?

  • Marketing Resources Toolkit

    Our Marketing Toolkit provides images, talking points and more to share with your friends, family, coworkers, etc. to encourage them to donate.

    Download marketing resources

  • Type O Resources Toolkit

    Our Type O Toolkit includes helpful videos, social media graphics and text and strategies for getting the word out about the incredible need for O donors.

    Download O blood type resources

  • Type O Talking Points

    Want to learn more about why Type O blood is so important? We break it down for you.

    Download Type O talking points

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